However, this was a different game as it used pegs instead of cards. One of the first documented references to the word "solitaire" was in a 17th-century engraving featuring Anne-Joulie de Rohan-Chabot, Princess Soubise, playing solitaire. The origins of the game are a little hazy. The game involves arranging a shuffled deck of cards into a specified order or tableau, no matter the variation. Won the Shareware Industry Award for best non-action game in 2006.Solitaire is the collective term for hundreds of card games and activities requiring only one person.Was the WUGNET Pick of the Week / Shareware Hall of Fame and the first game ever selected as a WUGNET Pick of the Week by the Compuserve WUGNET Windows Users Group in April 2000 as such, it was automatically inducted in the WUGNET Shareware Hall of Fame.Nominated for the ZDNet Shareware Award (19) in the Card/Casino Game category but did not win.Won the People's Choice Award for best shareware non-action game (1999, 2000, 2004, 2005), voted on by visitors to the ZDNet, CNet, and Tucows shareware sites.It was also nominated in 2003, 2004, and 2005 but did not win. Won the Shareware Industry Award for best shareware game ( 19).Pretty Good Solitaire has won and/or been nominated for the following awards: Card sets: Different card sets allow the player to change the appearance of the cards.Players: Multiple players can be created with statistics recorded separately for each one.Statistics: Records the total number of wins and losses as well as the score for each game and each player.Quest: Presents ten semi-randomly selected games, successively more difficult, for competition with oneself or, through the website, with other players.Snapshot: Allows the player to record the game layout at a particular point with the option of automatically returning to that point later.Undo: Allows the player to undo each move back to the beginning of a game.