There is a digital counter that allows you to see the number of spaces available before you enter.

Carpool or take Uber or Lift, whenever possible.

Here are a few suggestions to make your trip to Historic Folsom a bit easier: Parking in the Historic District is free, but it is also limited, especially on big event days. Now is the time to start planning and deciding if your group would like to have a presence in this new community tradition. Maximum Height is 12 Feet - this is for safety! There are hanging lights across Sutter Street. Of course, groups can have more members cheering them on from the crowd. The parade is open to all to participate with no more than 25 people per group in the parade. Past entries included Folsom City Council members, zoo docents, Folsom Police and Folsom Fire, Old West Legends, the Mad Dawg Wrestling, Folsom HS Bulldogs Football Team, Soap Box Derby, Shriners, and many, many more. We are look for colorful, enthusiastic groups, organizations, and neighborhood floats. The planning committee will open entries in March 2023. Planning is underway by residents and local business owners. This hugely successful and highly supported event will be held June 24, 2023. Historic Folsom is the perfect backdrop to celebrate what makes our community special. The Historic Folsom Hometown Parade is a hit with residents and surrounding communities.